第十九章(1 / 2)




“Go ahead, Loucks. You said you had a problem. tell me。(继续,劳克斯,你刚才说你有意见,说说看。)”

在莱诺左手第二个位置,一个金发的外国男人向莱诺的方向扔了一份合同,翘着二郎腿吊儿郎当的说道:“I can understand that. Are you taking my shares away now?(我可以理解,你现在是把我的股份收走了吗?)”

莱诺挑了一下眉:“of course。(当然。)”

又用右手拿着的一支钢笔,点在合同上面:“the original contract was that upon your father's death, you and your brother would divide his five percent interest in the pany into two shares, to be split equally between the two of you. but at the end of April, three years ago,, your father personally requested to change the contract and fully inherited his share to your brother, his son studying in canada, so it's not that we don't want to give it to you, but that your father doesn't want to give it to you.understand?(合同上确实是如此,原本的那份合同是你父亲再死了之后,将会由你和你的弟弟,将他那5%的股份分成两份,分别由你们兄弟两个平分,可在三年前的四月份月底,你的父亲亲自要求改了合同,将自己的那份股份完全继承给你的弟弟他那在加拿大留学的儿子,所以不是我们不想给你,而是你的父亲不想给你,明白?)”


莱诺私立慢条的喝了口水:“don't you feel bad about being treated unfairly? he's trying to get you out of the house, because you're his son.(被不公平对待,心里不好受吧?他这是想让你净身出户,明明都是他的儿子呢。)”

劳克斯质问道:“what do you mean?(你什么意思?)”

莱诺轻蔑一笑,“Your father has several houses and lots in his name, but the contracts say that when he dies, the house and lots will be in your brother's name, and you have nothing. the apartment you live in now, the sports car you drive, none of it is yours. well, it feels like a dependant.(你父亲名下有好几处房子和地皮,但合同上都写着,在他死之后,房子和地皮都会归属到你弟弟的名下,而你什么都没有,你现在住的那套公寓,开的那辆跑车,没有一个是你的,嗯,到有一种寄人篱下的感觉呢。)”


“but I have a way to get your father's shares transferred to your name, and you and I know there's no third party, and your father I'll figure it out, and see, no one will know.(不过我有办法叫你父亲的股份转到你的名下,这件事你知我知没有第三者,你父亲那我会想办法处理,看,没有人会知道。)”说完,劳克斯看了一眼在场的几人,那几人像是没听见一样,该喝水喝水,看合同看合同。


